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Tap dancing involves making a rhythmic sound with the dancers shoes. With tap, you are the music. Like many forms of dance, tap involves the training of not just your body but your musical ear. A rhythmic tapping sound is created from metal plates attached to both the ball and heel of a dancer’s shoe.
Tap dancing is a fun way to keep fit whilst having fun and learn something new.



Jazz dance combines techniques of classical ballet and modern dance with the current forms of popular dance. Jazz also has its own movement vocabulary ranging from the isolation of certain body parts to the movement of the entire body with the accents of musical rhythms. Emphasis is on the importance of energy, rhythmical accuracy, and style. 



You have probably heard a dance teacher say, “You need to take ballet.” But why? Is it really that important? Ballet class has a number of benefits: It improves your posture, strength, flexibility, and musicality. It is the foundation of every dance style. 

Ballet is the Foundation of all Dance:

Ballet gives dancers a solid foundation of technique which leads to success in other styles of dance. It is always best if a dancer starts ballet at a young age. Dancers today need to be well-rounded and if you want to go on to be a professional dancer, ballet is a must. Even if it is not your favorite!

Discipline and Dedication:

Ballet technique is very specific and requires practice to improve. It can be tedious and you can feel like you are repeating the same exercises week after week. This takes discipline just like school or work.

Physical and Mental:

Ballet is physically intense. It helps improve strength and flexibility. It can also help boost concentration, and a love for music and rhythm. Ballet requires you to be detailed oriented which can be translated into school and work. If you allow it, Ballet can help you escape into a world of grace and beauty, help decrease stress and improve your mood.



Acrobatics is a unique blend of dancing and gymnastic disciplines. Loved by both teachers and students alike Acrobatic Arts is a multi-discipline blend and is also known as AcroDance. Stunning moves from gymnastics is blended with steps and routines from the dance world for a unique and modern approach to dance.

Any prospective students are invited to come and try 2 weeks of lessons for free!

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